Politics Archive

Ten Thousand + People Marched In Reno, NV 1/21/2017
It started the way a loaf of bread rises.You put the ingredients together, you proof the yeast, you knead the dough and then you let it rest and rise. And rise it did. This is how you

Reno Women’s March on Washington -All Your Questions Answered -Hopefully
Please print out this information. email it to your friends who may not have Facebook but plan on attending. Please be sure to click on the links provided. Just a reminder as we come down the home

Join US We are Marching Again!
On January 21st 2017 all across the United States and indeed in other places on this planet, people will be marching in unity with the Women’s March on Washington. On November 8, 2016 the United States of America

Why Many Of Us Are Not Getting Over This Election.
Clinton won. The Electoral College is outdated. The system is rigged. The first statement is both true and false. Mrs. Clinton won the popular vote but not the Electoral College. The second statement may or may not

The REAL Reason Donald Trump Won the Election
The unthinkable happened. One by one the reliable blue states turned red. The pundits and the prophets were wrong. The data crunchers missed the mark. How could the 2016 Presidential Election turn out the way it did?

The Kerfuffle about Kaepernick or Let’s Sit Down to Stand Up for What We are About!
I do not know who Colin Kaepernick is outside of the facts that he comes from my community, he’s a football hero, plays for the SF 49rs and is a man of mixed racial heritage that was adopted

Why I Care About the Carson City Ward 1 Race.
I do not live in Carson City so you might wonder why I should care about anyone running for office there. I have and do spend a fair amount of my time in Carson. I have had

My Children Are Drowning!
It took the descendants of the House of Abraham’s son Issac several thousands of years to return to their God given homeland after the great Diaspora. There is something in the bone, the blood and tissue like