Yummm Foie A Piece of Cake meaning something easily achieved is an idiom we might throw out when asked if we can do something.  “Sure no problem a piece of cake”.
My life is a piece of cake, especially if you consider what goes into making a cake. Baking the perfect cake is not something easily achieved.  It is dependent on equipment, the quality of the ingredients and the skill of the baker.  This baker has gone through trial and error, wonderful success’ and terrible failures. I plan to keep working at it until I get as close to the perfect piece of cake as possible.
I started this blog for my children and granddaughters so if they choose to they will know something of their history.  I also started it because it’s part of the cake I am baking.
In researching my family background I decided I needed to find out who my myocardial mother was.  I am descended from an N9a .myocardial mother that goes back 60 to 75 thousand years. My family branch mostly settled in middle Europe but we also went to China, Italy and Sweden. There are no more daughters of mothers in my immediate family so the branch of N9a that we carry will be extinct.
My patron Saint is Joan of Arc. She inspired me to get off the cross get up on the horse and not be afraid to take on a challenge.
I am a political and news junkie, My love of shoes has earned me the name of Imelda Hawkins. Cooking relaxes me. I love to entertain. I love the net and how it connects us. And most of all I love my husband Prince Ashton Hawkins, my boys, Ari and Kevin and my granddaughters Amelia and Sydney and my daughter-in-laws Tracy and Melani.
I have been involved in a lot of political campaigns both as a grunt and a campaign manager. My worst defeat was the fight for the Equal Rights Amendment (Nevada) and my biggest victory was keeping the status quo on Rowe v Wade (Nevada) by winning Question 7, the Campaign for Choice.
I founded two non-profit organizations. Project Survival at the University of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital. Our purpose was to build a new neonatal center there and we did.  The Nevada Diabetes Association. that started out as the Diabetic Educational Center with my husband Prince Ashton Hawkins and it just grew and grew and now we have the California Diabetes Association.  I was the Executive Director from its inception in 1980 until December 2013.  I worked for the United Way of Dade County heading up their Medical Division and for the March of Dimes, Habitat for Humanity and Volunteer Lawyers of  Washoe County, and have consulted on many more non profits and business.
In my younger years I modeled, worked for an importer, sold jewelry and cosmetics and did construction inspection.
My husband and I founded Interface Computer Associates in 1980.  Without him I never would have learned the skills necessary for this wonderful and terrible time. My first computer was an Apple /// and my first challenge was learning a program called Word Juggler. I mastered it in a few hours and I was hooked on computers from that time on.
I always have to be involved in something so my latest project is helping revitalize the Nevada Shakespeare Company
Revolution does not end, it is part of evolution, – Mylan Hawkins
The problem with living in an electronic cottage. Things go beep in the night. – Mylan Hawkins