Amelia is Twelve

How did that happen? The call came from Ari that she had been born. And how lucky was I to have a daughter in law like Tracy who even wanted me there when their child was born? Getting out of Reno 12 years at the close of Burning Man was a challenge. I got the red eye dust buster American Airlines flight to Dallas and then a connection into Fort Lauderdale arriving about 6:00 a.m. on Sept 2. Her Grandfather, the man I married when I was way to young and way to idealistic picked me up and took me to the Hospital. Bless him for doing that. And then and then.. and then there she was. This perfect most amazing beautiful baby. Our first Grandchild.

How GREAT was that?

Holding your grandchild is an experience like no other. Amelia was the most perfect beautiful child ever born.

amelia jumping off the BoatToday, September 1, 2014 Amelia Logan Roloff is twelve years old and the future is hers. All those of us who dearly love her, can really say.. is Happy Birthday. next stop 13 and beyond.

May your life be filled with adventure. May you not be afraid., May you continue in the same spirit that you have since you first came into this world. Roar like a Lion, be gentle as the Lamb, wise beyond your years, caring and loving and always filled with joy.

Don’t forget that you can ask questions. Don’t forget you have resources. Don’t forget you are not alone and it’s OK if you stumble because there are hands and hearts to catch you.

Happy Twelfth Year most beloved child.amelia on th boat